Parent Volunteers

Anuj Jain
ASD Parent and PTSA Secretary
ASD thrives because of the dedication of so many parents, friends, and alumni volunteers who give thousands of hours each year in support of the school. On any given day, parent volunteers are on campus helping in classrooms, as coaches, assisting teachers or leading and organizing events.
As a volunteer parent organization, the mission of the ASD Booster Club is to provide support for the Middle School and High School Junior Varsity and Varsity athletes. They promote community involvement, school spirit, and raise funds to enhance ASD Athletics programs. Among the many activities of the Booster Club, they host sports awards banquets to recognize and celebrate season achievements, organize team socials and support coaches, and run the ASD Spirit Store and the famous Falcon’s Nest concession stand.
The mission of the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is to build community for the benefit of ASD parents, students, faculty, and staff. Meet new friends and support ASD by being part of the PTSA. Every ASD parent is automatically a member; no fees or dues. The PTSA organizes community-building events for the whole family to enjoy such as Fall Harvest Festival, Tree Lighting Event, and Faculty/Staff Appreciation Week. The PTSA also houses the Falcon Business Network which brings the ASD business community together for networking, collaborating, and gaining visibility.
The Creative Arts Support Team (CAST) includes parent volunteers supporting the ASD Arts program on many different levels. This network of committed and enthusiastic volunteers dedicated to assisting in designing and coordinating costumes; applying makeup for performances; selling tickets, flowers, and concessions; hosting art receptions, supporting concerts, and restocking the costume room. CAST also recruits international talent to conduct master classes and perform community concerts throughout the year.