Campus Recreation

Campus Rec Header

Campus Recreation supports the school mission by providing a wide variety of positive, healthy activities for students, parents, faculty and staff in order to foster and encourage within each participant the desire to pursue a healthy lifestyle. 

Campus Recreation activities include After School Recreation Programs (ASRPs) and Intramural Sports Leagues led by ASD faculty and staff. The Campus Recreation department also organizes activities for the ASD parent community such as basketball, soccer, fitness classes, yoga, and zumba. Parents have access to the indoor and outdoor running tracks, fitness center, and tennis courts.

In addition, Campus Recreation facilitates activities offered by external providers on a pay per season basis. These providers are among the best in Dubai and offer students professional instruction in a variety of disciplines conveniently hosted on campus.

The Pay Per Season Program

Campus Recreation coordinates programs offered by over fifteen external providers exclusively for ASD students on a pay per season basis. Parents seeking professional instruction for their children in sports, arts, music, science, and technology will find providers that are among the best in Dubai offering programs on campus.


After School Recreation Program

Elementary School

Elementary activities are created and scheduled to accommodate students in PreK to Grade 5. Students at each grade level have a variety of activities to choose from. Rollerblading, basketball, soccer, minecraft club, iMovie animation, climbing, Arabic playgroups, and ping pong are some of our most popular activities. 


Middle School

MS Students have the opportunity to get involved in Campus Recreation ASRP activities including Intramural Sports Leagues, climbing club, Food Revolution cooking club, chess club, and more. Middle School students sign themselves up online.

High School

In High School, Campus Recreation ASRP activities include Intramural Sports Leagues, climbing club, and more. High School students are eligible to join the Fitness Club and use the fitness and exercise facilities to pursue their personal fitness under the guidance and supervision of a qualified trainer.