
Arts Header

ASD provides experiences where students learn life lessons to serve them well as adults, develop a lasting interest in the arts, and take with them the inspiration to give back to others.

At the American School of Dubai students cultivate a lifetime appreciation, enjoyment and love of the arts through creating, performing and experiencing any one of the disciplines. Through the wide range of arts offerings at ASD, both during and after school, students are exposed to and develop an understanding of a variety of the visual and performing arts. By working creatively and gaining competence in various artistic genres and media, our students develop an aesthetic understanding of the arts that will continue throughout their lives.

A wide range of visual and performing arts opportunities are available to elementary, middle and high school students. Students may learn dance, music, visual arts, theater, acting, choir and band. Annual productions include full-length musicals in high school and middle school, plays, an elementary musical, variety shows, art shows and more.

The ASD Theatre

The ASD Theater is a state of the art, professional facility seating 630. It is one of the finest in the Middle East. ASD students benefit from the Theater as well as a Black Box Theater. With world class facilities, ASD is able to take advantage of local and international arts opportunities which serve to enhance, enrich and extend learning opportunities to students.

International Associations and Festivals

ASD is an active member of international associations and conferences which allows students to learn from peers and experts around the world. Students have opportunities to attend competitive as well as non-competitive events throughout the Middle East and around the world.ASD is a member or participates in:

  • International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA)
  • Association for Music in International Schools (AMIS)
  • International Thespian Festival (EDTA)
  • Middle East School Activities Conference (MESAC) for Debate and Forensics