In the latest of our Faculty Highlight series, we take 5 minutes to get to know Dee Willey.
High School Social Studies Teacher.
A total of 5 years in many roles. 2 years dedicated to high school.
Being an educator is a privilege. It is extremely meaningful work when I get to inspire, challenge, and support young people several times each day. I also can't deny the joy I feel when students are learning, working together, and feeling successful.
Google's Larry Page: Always deliver more than expected.
I love all the courses I teach: International Business, Global Issues in Action, Introduction to Geography and Our World. I'm looking forward to teaching even more courses.
The community is phenomenal. I have been in many classrooms to teach, in fact from K to 12, and I have seen admin, faculty, staff, students, and parents who take great pride in being part of ASD. For all of us who work here, the pride we have for what we do is palpable. Everyone works extra hard and, remarkably, there's never a shortage of smiles anywhere on campus. There's so much to love about ASD!
This is such a hard question. All our events, from musicals to concerts, brought me to tears. Our student performers always leave me in awe. Our athletes across all divisions are so inspiring. The guards and cleaning staff are happy and so dedicated (there's no unseeing the kindness and warmth from their eyes every morning). The Health Office staff are superstars. The learning we do in and outside of classrooms including the learning in our gardens, field, kitchen, and the collaboration in our clubs are just remarkable. My conversations with passionate students always make my day. So, in response to that question, each day in ASD is memorable and if I'll be honest, the "little things" in and around ASD are the ones that I would count as my favorite.
- Faculty Highlight